Select the account for which you'd like an account statement, tax certificate or bank account confirmation letter.
Scroll down to Your documents and select VIEW & SAVE.
Scroll down to Your documents and select VIEW. Scroll through the list of available documents for your chosen account.
To select a document, tap on the ellipses to the right. Let's select the 6-Month statement option.
You can choose to either Download it to your device or Send it as an email to your preferred email address.
Now let's try the same for bank account confirmation letter.
Select the ellipses to Download it to your device or Send it as an email to your preferred email address.
Repeat the process for any Income tax certificates available to you.
Lastly, scroll down to Previous statements to get a history of monthly statements for your account. You can Download them to your device or Send them as an email to your preferred email address.
Try it out and download all your important documents!