Ane wa Yanmama Junyuu-chuu

Ane wa Yanmama Junyuu-chuu

Basically why my score is a 10 it's because I'm an "Onee-chan type"
If you are too this is a great hentai for you. This is a NTR but it isn't that bad, you know how NTR's kills your feelings? I don't know why but i didn't felt sad at all. it's was kinda funny when the kid almost caught their mom having sex with another man. The Onee-chan thinks of his little brother still as a kid but when she tasted the hard stick they had sex all episode it was hot even beside her husband.
It also has a beach episode/hotspring. 👍👌

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Oct 5, 2020 Recommended

Ugly bastards + NTR. For a long time, the two nations lived in harmony, until the Ane wa Yanmama Junyuu-chuu nation attacked. With a revolutionary decision to add in incest and remove the ugly bastards, this show has completely changed the game. What I just witnessed from this show was a visual feast. Truly the defining anime of all time. Tell your kids to watch this one because they will be on the edge of their seats from all the plot twists and direction the story takes. After the countless years of my eyes being ravaged by the site of ugly bastards forcing their way . into a woman's "heart," we finally get a mc who is decent looking. My eyes can rest, knowing I have seen at least one decent NTR in my lifetime. If you're looking for plot in your anime like the connoisseur you are, this show definitely brings the plot. Two large plots to be exact.

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Jul 20, 2020 Recommended

NTR has been nightmare fuel ever since it started rising to prominence in hentai. Most (including myself), felt a severe distaste for this genre as while they were home to some of the best animation recent hentai has to offer, they were also plagued with an impalpable amount of guilt. It's been a real hot minute since the hentai community had received an NTR anime that doesn't make me question my fucking life. Last one I can vividly remember doing the former was Saimin Seishidou. And just a while ago we were blessed with another to add to that limited collection: Gishi wa Yan Mama . Junyuu Chuu, which will be the subject of today's review.

Story: 8/10.
Gishi wa Yan Mama Junyuu Chuu's biggest strenagth in the story department is the lack of guilt for being an NTR. It accomplishes this feat in quite a different way compared to Saimin Seishidou, which even to this day it is hard for me to pinpoint what that hentai had done to diminish the guilt. But with this hentai, it is as clear as day. It distracts from what would normally evoke guilt. We don't see the subject being cheated on besides every now and then, it is fully focused on the perspective of two characters, which is why it works. Not only does this make the story more rigid and focused, but it also takes away potential guilt this scenario could have had. The only real gripe I have is pacing. We need some more time off the shmex scene's. But honestly, that is something all present day hentai seem to struggle with in some fashion.

Art and Animation: 9/10.
Bunnywalker has not been around for a long time, but it impresses me how well they know how to capture the almost-perfect present day hentai aesthetic. Saimin Seishidou, Joshi Luck, Daisuki no Mama and Ecchi na Onee-chan ni Shiboraretai, while not being perfect are all classic examples of amazing looking hentai. And this one is no different. The color palette is great like always. I don't know if its me getting more used to their style or if they actually made improvements but a major flaw I had with their previous works was the night time color palette always looking off and too shiny. Let's just say all those problems are basically obsolete. The actual art is great as well and the animation is extremely fluid. My only flaw is the chirography. I have not read the original source materiel but some angles could've have been done from different perspectives. But that is about my only flaw with the aesthetic of this hentai.

Sound" 10/10.
Sound is great like always. Main VA for female lead did a superb job, the BG music and such was also great.

Character: 8/10.
The character of the sister (don't know the name sadly) was very good. I did have some minor problems, such as not being given enough time to know her more off shmex scenes. But if there is one thing I can appreciate is what the hentai managed to do in the little time we had, they made her convincing. Her slowly switching to who she preferred was gradual and not instant. It took time, which while being painfully weird in hentai is something I can appreciate nonetheless. Her actual design is superb. Not much else to really say.

Enjoyment: 9/10.
This hentai was extremely enjoyable. For once I actually agree with the large majority for this being rated in the top 10 of all time. It had amazing animation and art. But most of all it had substance. It was not perfect, I still wish the episodes were longer to allow for more character and story building, but with the time they had, they managed to tell a very compelling and interesting story where I DONT FEEL GUILTY ABOUT THE NTR.

Overall: 9/10.
Overall, this hentai has something for everybody. It is easily one of if not the best things to come out of the 2020 hentai year. I absolutely recommend this to almost everybody out there who loves hentai!