The Home Health Aide Handbook, 6th Edition

This beautiful, full-color, 6th edition of The Home Health Aide Handbook is unlike any other handbook or pocket guide on the market. For home health aides, it includes all the procedures learned in their training program, plus references to abbreviations, medical terms, care guidelines for specific diseases, and an appendix to include important names, phone numbers, and websites. For certified nursing assistants moving to home care, there is helpful information for making the transition from care facilities to homes. In addition, this book contains all the federal requirements for home health aides so it also can be used in a basic training program. This inexpensive book is also full-color and loaded with photos and illustrations!

Edition updates are carefully reviewed to ensure the information is accurate and contains inclusive, modern terminology. The 6th edition contains updated information about the following:

This handy guide is the perfect size. It fits easily into a backpack, purse, or home care bag. Encourage your aides to carry it with them into the field to use as a quick reference tool.

Instructor’s Guide

for The Home Health Aide Handbook 6e

The instructor’s guide to teaching from our textbook contains the following elements for every chapter: an overview of teaching strategies; page references for the textbook; teaching outlines for every learning objective; and additional activities that may include case studies, role-playing scenarios, critical thinking exercises, games, or conversation starters. Appendices include key material and handouts, as well as exams for each section and a final exam. PowerPoint presentations for each chapter complement the instructor’s guide content and include abbreviated lecture material, student-directed questions, and critical thinking questions related to the procedures. The instructor’s guide can be downloaded from our instructor’s website after registering, which is free and takes less than one business day.


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